offers a complete solution for managing the overall health of each computer in your organization.
addresses all of the mundane but critical tasks necessary to help ensure that your computers are functioning properly, are adequately protected, and are backed up daily. Our remote access software allows us to connect to your employee's computers no matter where they are at to assist them with their technical issues, as long as they have access to the internet. Here are some of the critical tasks we perform for you under our simple, flat-fee monthly pricing structure:
- Desktop policy management
- Daily data backups of PCs
- Daily Anti-virus protection updates
- Daily Spam, malware and adware updates
- Patch Scans and Deployment
- Access management
- Daily Operating system updates
- Software updates and distribution
- Ongoing Asset tracking
- Software inventory and license management
- Active directory management
- Desktop imaging for quick disaster recovery
- Online case/issue management
- Unlimited remote control support